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Post by wizard on Nov 8, 2014 9:02:49 GMT
The New Priest
The new priest is nervous about hearing confessions, so he asks an older priest to sit in on his sessions. The new priest hears a couple confessions, then the old priest asks him to step out of the confessional for a few suggestions. The old priest suggests "cross you arms over your chest, and rub your chin with one hand." The new priest tries this. The old priest suggests "try saying things like I see, yes, go on and I understand. How did you feel about that?'" The new priest says those things. The old priest says "now, don't you think that's a little better than slapping your knee and saying no kidding? What happened next?"
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Post by wizard on Nov 11, 2014 14:17:39 GMT
Heard on the bus
I recently went on a bus trip. At one of the stops, a drunk man got on. He could hardly walk up the aisle, he was staggering so much. Guess where he sat down? Right next to an old lady. "I've got news for you, young man," she said as she looked him up and down. "You're going straight to hell!" All of a sudden, the man jumped up out of his seat shouting: "I'm on the wrong bus!"
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Post by Echo on Feb 20, 2015 17:57:05 GMT
Future worries
Many years ago, we had Johnny Cash, Bob Hope and Steve Jobs. Now, we have no Cash, no Hope and no Jobs. Please dont let Kevin Bacon die!